My goal is to make sure you feel better at the end of your session than you did before it.


Tisha is an exceptionally talented instructor and has a heart of gold. You will be delighted and blessed to work with her.

— Ahmé Bovée, Balanced Body Master Instructor

I am a low-back pain sufferer having 2 bulging lumbar discs and my twice weekly sessions with Tisha is what has keep me strong, functional and (mostly) pain free. I highly and frequently recommend pilates classes and having such a skilled teacher as Tisha is wonderful.

— Tammy

I walked into my first ever Pilates class at four months pregnant. Tisha was a bit shocked but kind and patient and made me fall in love with Pilates. She took the time to make sure I was using my body correctly, making sure my baby was ALWAYS safe, along with making sure I too was safe.  I did Pilates up to the day before I had a scheduled c-section. The doctor delivering said I had the nicest abs she’s ever seen. I believe that was in helps of Tish bettering my core. I mean my baby was stuck in between my ribs we did so good at working those abs!

- Megan

I had been struggling with MS and all the side effects/symptoms of it for several years (i.e. balance issues, extremity weakness, & exhaustion to name a few) and a friend of mine told me about Pilates and suggested I give it a try. Pilates changed my life! It was a convenient, non-impact way for me to get back into shape. I didn't realize how strong I was getting until I was unable to do it for a season. I used the Video On Demand library faithfully for a year and my strength increased, balance improved, and I looked and felt so much better! Tisha is the best instructor. Her workouts are thorough, challenging, great for any level and she is so easy to follow because her directions are clear. For me, the VOD library was the way to go for two reasons; I live in WA and I could access a workout whenever it was convenient for me, and could choose one that fit the time frame (or energy level). After working out with Tisha for a few weeks, I would find myself going about my day, hearing her voice cueing me on correct movement, tightening my core, and breathing deeply. There is so much to gain with Pilates, and particularly with Tisha, they will both be an important part of the rest of my life.

- Nancy

When I retired it was time to do something for myself to bring my body back into shape, it is then that I discovered Pilates with Tisha. She helped me understand the importance of the core and how strength in the core helps the entire body - including balance. I have gained strength in both body and mind. I worked with Tisha for 12 months until I moved out of state. I have tried other studios in the area that I moved to, but have not found the same individual dedication. Tisha is awesome and will dedicate herself to help individuals meet their personal challenges and goals."

 - Louise

As a nurse with 2 prior back surgeries, Pilates was something I was afraid to do until I stumbled into Tisha's class. Her confidence, extensive knowledge of anatomy and body mechanics instantly put my fears to rest. She has taught me how to strengthen the areas around my injuries and how to work around the problems in my body. She has furthered my recovery and strengthened the areas of discomfort more than any physical therapist I have utilized in the past. I am completely PAIN FREE and stronger than ever!!  Tisha is an incredible Pilates instructor and I have recommended her classes to numerous friends and family who ask me what I am doing to look so fit. She works with a wide age range of people; some that have osteoporosis, spinal rods, spinal fusions, MS, and herniated discs…  She is an inspiration to many.

— Jen

Tisha is an amazing instructor who really cares about her clients. She is always upbeat and ready to give us a fabulous work out. As a retired doctor, her knowledge of the musculoskeletal system is amazing. I have never felt better. I highly recommend her classes. Be prepared to work hard and have fun!

— Deb

I've always worked out lifting weights and doing cardio before, during and after my pregnancy. Before I met Tisha I thought neck and back pain was just the new normal after my twins and a botched c-section. Within a few weeks of attending her Pilates classes everything was different! After a few months I couldn't imagine not doing Pilates and felt like she had given me back my mobility and strength. 

She puts so much effort and thought into tailoring her classes, making adjustments to accommodate the needs of individuals in those classes. The ongoing development and continual learning she does around anatomy and movement makes her instructions relevant and meaningful. She always explains what each muscle is doing and why, which helps me attain the mind-body connection.

It was a huge surprise for me to find out that not everyone taught the same way Tisha does. I've taken classes with other instructors and never feel the same degree of care or demonstration of skill and knowledge in teaching. After I moved from the US back to Australia I always meant to find a local teacher but struggled to find someone with the same skill and engaging teaching style. Luckily for me Tisha started virtual classes which I've been doing for almost a year now and it's almost as good as being in a studio with her, and so much better than anything I've been able to find here - despite living within walking distance of 4 other studios. Not being in the same room Tisha puts extra effort into the clarity of her verbal cues since she can't physically adjust you or demonstrate in person. She has mastered giving instructions in a way that you can  correct yourself, better understand your body and take those cues and corrections into other parts of your life.

- Libby